
What is feature toggle?

A feature toggle, also known as a feature flag, is a software development technique that allows developers to enable or disable certain functionality within an application without deploying new code. It acts as a switch that can turn a feature on or off at runtime, providing flexibility and control over how and when specific features are made available to users.

Toggle interface

In Quecto account, you can create and manage the toggle. We support four types of toggles
  • Simple toggle
  • Date toggle
  • Variable toggle
  • Pattern toggle

Simple toggle

This is the most basic type of feature toggle, where a feature can be turned on or off with a straightforward switch. It provides immediate control over feature visibility, allowing teams to quickly enable or disable functionality in production or testing environments as needed.

Date toggle

A date-based toggle activates or deactivates a feature automatically based on a specified date and time. This type is useful for scheduling releases or time-limited events, such as promotions or seasonal features, ensuring that features go live or expire precisely when intended.

Variable toggle

A variable toggle enables a feature based on specific conditions or parameters, such as user roles, device types, or geographic locations. This allows for more dynamic and targeted feature rollouts, ensuring that only users meeting certain criteria experience the new functionality.

Pattern toggle

A pattern-based toggle enables features based on matching particular patterns, such as URLs, user identifiers, or request headers. This approach is ideal for scenarios where feature visibility depends on specific inputs or identifiers, enabling granular control over who can access the feature.

Get toggle status

Retrieve the toggle status

Mandatory parameters:
  • toggleName - Name of the toggle
Optional parameters:
  • additionalProperty - this will be required for variable or pattern based toggle
Sample request body:

   "additionalProperty": null