Experiment in our environment

Register for a free account

New customer can register in production:


Customer can login in production:

Setup AB test

Create AB test by providing the following details

Parameter Description
Name Name of the AB test. For example: MARKET_PLACE_CHECKOUT
Variant Name Name of the variant. For example: FASTER_CHECKOUT, ONE_CLICK_BUY
Percentage % of customer to be routed to this variant

Call API

The authorisation user journey is an important part of our security, and may be changed without notice.
Generate an access token

Do this via a POST to our token endpoint.

                curl -X 'POST' \
                  'https://prod.api.quecto-ai.com/auth/token' \
                  -H 'accept: application/json' \
                  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
                  -d '{
                  "client_id": "TEST_CLIENT_ID",
                  "client_secret": "TEST_CLIENT_SECRET",
                  "grant_type": "client_credentials"
Parameter Description
client_id The Client ID of your account
client_secret One of the client secrets
grant_type client_credentials

The response contains the access token used for calling the APIs.

                  "access_token": "nVdVPGClwOnuQger1SD3XUu4wRAPoq",
                  "token_type": "Bearer",
                  "expires_in": 14400

You can now call an API using the access_token we issued

                curl -X 'POST' \
                    'https://prod.api.quecto-ai.com/api/ab-test/get-or-assign' \
                    -H 'accept: application/json' \
                    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
                    -H ‘Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS-TOKEN]’
                    -d '{
                    "abTestName": "CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION",
                    "userId": "123455677"